Do You Even News?

Journalism is one of the few things that the world depends on. Journalism allows everyday people to be informed, be safe, and be connected. Without it knowledge and the expansion of ideas would fall out of order and into chaos. Without the existence of trustworthy journalism resources mass misinformation would run rampant.

Today where you get your news seems to depend on your age and social savvy. Most people my age do not have a true purpose for checking the news. For example I manage both my own and my siblings stock portfolios. In order to do a good job I need to be informed on economic news and political news of both the US and Europe/asia regions. Meaning I have to use reliable sources for news, CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, and other world news networks. Most young people have no true reason to check the news, social media accelerated. By making only certain things viral an ill shaped definition of what news is.

If journalism is negatively effected it means knowledge and the expansion of ideas is as well. If journalist begin to feel as if serious stories are not getting enough attention they will be forced to join in on the “fluff” or be run out of town.

What scares me personally is the way that people are beginning to access information. TikTok and Instagram are becoming people references for sharing information and facts. “I seen it on Instagram” has become common place for debates among friends.

In the end we need journalism. While if you live in a big city and you flip to the 4 o’clock news it may be filled with random stories and a lot that scare the heck out of you, but these stories are important. If journalism standards are allowed fall into despair what is to say that books, and then academia are not to follow.

2 thoughts on “Do You Even News?

  1. I have to say I agree with you when talking about the importance of the press. Without a group of people present to check on those influencing the decisions behind the scenes that inevitably affect all or most of us, it can easily become human nature to take advantage of the opportunities that people in those positions have. Even with an active press often times those in position still get away with or take advantage of whatever it is they can put in motion to favor the few on top despite of the deficits of the masses.


  2. I agree with your blog! I know way too many people that claim they get their reliable news from social media. I think its so important to get your news from a reliable source. Maybe the decrease in TV/paper news is the paying aspect, while social media is free. Great blog!


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