The Ultimate Show

Countdown of the Superbowl is all over the fox channel station. Me and my dad are excited at the grocery store choosing our favorite foods to make for Superbowl Sunday and making non-monetary bets on the winners of the game. I get back home to fire up the grill and play music as extended family comes in waves to all celebrate and witness this annual spectacle of two great teams colliding to form the biggest game in America. As all the people gather around the living room bringing their different foods, snacks and candy they bought or made, my dad is setting up the surround speakers to give this event a more impactful. Then we finally get to best part, the commercial.

Yes, you heard it right the commercials are also what I look forward to in the Superbowl Sunday event. I love the elevation of creativeness and work ethic companies put into their commercials, especially Doritos. I was never aware of the fashion of better commercials during the Superbowl until my 10th grade year in my sports management business class, the class that led me to my major now. Since then, I’ve paid more attention and I have fell in love with the style and humor that Doritos cooperates into their advertisements. Their unique scenarios allowed them to engage my attention and make me enjoy looking for their content during the Superbowl. Honorable mention would be Aflac but their ads are very repetitive though they are funny. The different styles that Superbowl commercials use to appeal different consumers and bring in more customers is nothing short of exemplified creativity. As being a marketing major, I understand the difficulties of being able to use your creative mind in a world where many have thought of the same ideas before you. Doritos pregnancy commercial has so many views because of its humor and is also sparks media because of its bizarre and peculiar scene. They used irony with the baby jumping out of the womb to get the Dorito’s. the irony explains itself but the media attention heavily promotes the company for more customers and awareness to the product.

As I sit on the couch and reminisce on the game and the funny commercials begin to turn into the same corny ads with high information and low humor, I begin to appreciate the effort put into Superbowl commercials. This is what marketing majors should look to quantify and understand to spark their creative minds which will be much needed for their careers. I will definitely use these commercials as teachers for my creative mind and hope to evolve from those commercial to attract even more customers and inspire more creative minds fpr the next generations.

2 thoughts on “The Ultimate Show

  1. I honestly agree with you here. I am not really one for Football, but I absolutely adore the commercials, for the most part. I also like to stick around for the half time show, but that’s just a little something extra that I watch while I enjoy the new Skittles ad. Superbowl ads tend to have a huge budget and it makes their ads so much more enjoyable when you know they’re such high quality.


  2. I disagree, I like football but many people take the sport too personally which is my issue. In the Superbowl, I enjoy watching the halftime show, commercials, and the betting that takes place. There are many ads for snacks that I enjoy like Doritos, skittles, and new beverages. In America many families enjoy the Super Bowl for a family time event depending on if they are into football.


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