Hollywood Hero

This week we ventured into the history of cinema. These films date back to the late 1800s and heading into the early 1900s with films that’s unfamiliar with the current generation. These films consisted of standstill cameras with no editing of a very short play with no sound in black and white film. This week mainly focused on its role on what made this current generation of filmmaking. The trial and errors, the laws that we know of now, etc. The process to come up with new movies and even the classics. With they’re evolution they found and experimented different tactics such as adding violence, sprinkling sex appeal, drama and more into their shows. This is what makes our movies today.

The stereotypical movie we see today consists of a multitude of editing and location changes in the scene with a multitude of different types of cameras and angle with dialogue and an array of different sound effects. This era loved their film however, well only for so long. The attraction to movies that lasted from 10 minutes to 60 seconds died down very fast. These movies were facing the future of destruction of their industry. That’s when the transitioned from New York City to Hollywood made its appearance. This transitioned was ideal because of 3 very important reasons. First the weather was ideal for filmmaking because it was always hot and not humid, perfect for models and actors to show their glow without the downfall of humid weather. Secondly, the land was unsettled yet and it was a cheap location to build and brand a studio. With the new land they can make palaces for their studios and generally to intrigue consumers to the film industry. Lastly, and maybe most importantly the companies wanted to be set free from their parent companies that had massive control over them and with this move it would be harder to keep tabs on their work being across the country. With these reasons Hollywood became the new home for the film industry. With the new home they got to work; specifically, the major companies in the film industry: MGM, Warner Bros, FOX, RKO, etc. These companies produced classics consisting with unique structures and concepts to attract all audiences. Most films consisted of violence, drama and sex. This statistically appealed to majority of their viewers. With very limited restrictions the possibilities of the films were outlandish compared to the censored film that we see now. Because of the craziness provided by these films’ laws were enforced to combat the inappropriate scenes shown in theaters. Now we are able to enjoy the development and success of the film industry in high quality and great sound effects.

This week tied a knot into what we have covered over the past month with different technology and shows being made to satisfy tv consumers all over America in the past generations. It’s spectacular to think of the creation of Hollywood coming from all the way into the early 1900’s and being able to thrive so well even now. The success that film industry has received produces billions upon billions of dollars every year. Whats your favorite classic.

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