Here’s Christian with his beliefs on News Networks, Take it away Christian

The news is definitely something that I am not super familiar with. I have little clue about what it takes to build a story or even how certain stories get approved and some do not. The Newsroom made a great dramatic reenactment of what actually happens behind the camera and in the back rooms of a news station. The Newsroom was honestly not my particular thing to watch on television but it was actually very intriguing seeing all the drama and conflicts that happened throughout the show and honestly made me want to watch more which I plan on doing.

After watching the newsroom it made me wonder if newsrooms are actually like this in the world we live in now. It seems like a slow and inefficient process to get valuable and reliable information. With the introduction of news networks cable news may actually fall in popularity but what I believe is more capable of happening is that news will not be live. With networks being in the picture will news stations consider recording the news like any other television show or movies and then uploading an edited version of what was just recorded. I actually do not think this would be a good idea because it ruins the way we get our news when it is live. There is little room for mistakes and a lot of room to make adjustments in the middle of the broadcast such as we get our breaking news.

I wonder what current news broadcast would be most popular if all channels were to convert to streaming networks. But how will this affect the network? We all know each news broadcast has their own beliefs in politics and many other things. Will this lower or raise numbers for those networks after being tagged with a specific political belief. I think that if this were to happen numbers would for sure fall because the thing with cable news is that once you pay for the cable you get more than one news channel for one price. With streaming networks you would have to pay multiple amounts to get different points of view on one topic. This will most likely cause republicans to buy republican biased news networks and democrats to buy democratic biased networks.

I personally do not watch the news. I get most of my information on the world nowadays from social media and a few google searches after that. I also do not have cable back home. Everything is mostly streaming services. I think that news stations starting their own networks would crash and burn like CNN plus. I think they should try and partner with an already successful streaming network and evolve from there. This ties back to the point I made about political standpoints. Will streaming services like Peacock, Paramount, HULU and more be able to open their platform to news broadcasts that get constant hate from opposite political believers. If you were in charge of any streaming platform would you partner with a news broadcast in risk of the hate you might receive? Do you think cable news can rule for longer than they have or do you think eventually news networks will rise up?

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