The Blessed Curse

This week we focused on the obvious yet unspoken problem that not only plagues America but all the technologically advanced world. This problem is none other than the blessed curse of technology. We sometimes forget the basic goal of this once new advancement. All around the world people have indulged into the new technology that comes out, whether it’s apps, games, shows, music, the list goes on. The obsession of the interne has plagued all generations in current society, some people more than others. For decades we have used this technology for essential needs such as communication and news that can’t be accessed through the local newspaper. However, there has been a dramatic increase of the internet being used for less of essential needs and more for unhealthy habits for entertainment. This has become so unhealthy it has become a dominated dose in the daily diet to some people, so much so that they have developed two separate lives. One consists of life in the real world and another life is lived behind a screen. Even though this sounds terrible I referred to this as a blessed curse for a reason.

In the class we watched a documentary that highlighted this epidemic that no one is willing to pay attention to. Through multiple studies it was shown that the internet intake across America has become increasingly unhealthy. The shocking part of this stat is that this was recorded in the earlier part of the 21st century not even recently. This spike was when blackberries were popular, and email was the prominent source of communication through friends. To even consider the current society’s technology to be replaced with that technology is beyond crazy. During the time of the studies, a big focus was on the college students, who were seen having conversation with their peers while texting on their phone and emailing somebody else on their computer. This sparked another debate actually and led to more studies. The question remained how effective these students’ brain with such heavy multitasking and what that does for all the divided activities.  A study showed that the brain can’t handle multiple things at one time so instead we truly only focus on one thing and do the next activity almost simultaneously. Lastly, we were showed the dynamic between the virtual life and its affect on people. People from across the globe have met through the game and consider people they’ve never met in person their longtime friends just from the bond that they received while conversating on the game. Sometimes they would meet their “friends” through in real life events where they conversate face to face with their online friends. This situation would be foreign and shunned upon in earlier generations, but some meaningful relationships have sparked from the evolution of technology. This is the blessed part of the plague that has covered the world.I personally have fell victim to the internet crave.

I personally use my phone to enjoy music and social media more than I use it for its focus. The love we’ve all gained for the internet is wonderful but must be moderated and controlled. We don’t need a traditional lifestyle we just need a healthier modern lifestyle.

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