Ohhh the Internet.

This week’s topic was really interesting, we were able to draw some attention to the ways the Internet has been affecting us. The videos we watched examined how the Internet affects the way children are educated; along with how that leads to how they act in society. People trying to draw these kinds of conclusions on popular mass media outlets is nothing new. Both the television and the movie industry, and the gaming industry. Are all used to facing this kind of criticism. Does the content they display show inappropriate things? Does it promote or champion violence or inappropriate behavior? And, is it ok for families to view together. Though the Internet takes this to a new level; Not only is the content largely unrestricted, but it’s also easy so to access.  

It’s more than just pornographic things for young people to be exposed to. Online gambling websites are extremely easy to use. and growing in popularity with all ages. Children might ask for in game currency for holiday and birthday gifts, then go on to use this on gambling websites Incentivized by in game items. While the Internet has obviously accelerated gambling problems, having them branch out to people under the legal gambling age is preposterous. Though the effect the internet has had on adult gamblers isn’t to be over looked. With the ability to gamble leaving the casinos and being welcomed onto your smartphone; people who were never gamblers- such as myself. Have been giving in to the urges of betting. Though you could do much more than bet on sports games. Some programs allowing you to add money directly from a debit card; in order to play simple games like slot machines or blackjack. rigged with perfect algorithms no less.

The graphic above demonstrates the diversity of outlets used to gamble in today’s world. Fueled mostly by the internet, obviously encouraged by the exponential changes in technology over the last 20 years.

My second largest grievance with the internet, behind ruining people’s lives by giving them gambling addictions so bad they sell their homes and car (legit, look it up) is the crazy addiction to it we all have. Some more than others thankfully but none-the-less most are infected. It’s only right to criticize oneself first; my downfall is YouTube. Though time-consuming I don’t consider it a pitfall to my education or success. I listen mainly to investment podcasts, or comedy so nothing brain rotting. Though it does take me away from things. A paper can wait 34 minutes, right? the gym has bad service? 23 minutes left.

            While I consider myself lucky, some people are deep in the void. Endless swiping, sitting in the car with friends on their phone, face planted in their phone while the world passes around them. And in today’s social media ecosystem there is no one perpetrator, Instagram has people obsessed with their online image, TikTok has people doing anything for attention, and Tinder has love being brought down to what your face or ass looks like. The perfect storm of ruining human interaction and ever so slowly the respect we have for ourselves and others.

Overall, the internet is the best thing to ever happen. People were given access to information. They could learn new things, share new ideas, the interactions that it allowed are the cause of some of the most mind-bending accomplishments to ever be achieved. Though while the internet has proven so crucial for the development of our species. I, along with many others, can see it being the downfall.

And don’t even get me STARTED on twitter.

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