Digital Footprints

I think the internet is really the only thing that scares me, also wasps. But that’s beside the point, the internet and its endless possibilities is something I really can’t comprehend. I think most people are like me however and do not realize how much utilizing the internet can impact you and others. In class we briefly mentioned the TV show Black Mirror and I wish we talked about it more, especially while on the topic of being online! I am proud to say it is my favorite show of all time (which is funny that I forgot to mention it in my blog on TV) since it shows a very possible, dystopian future. We mentioned the episode Hated in the Nation which touches on our dying bee population and the internet. The episode takes place in a timeline where bees are extinct, so scientists made synthetic robot bees to take their place and do their job of pollenating the earth. Though because they are robots, someone hacked into them and started using them to murder people who were “hated in the nation”/left a negative impact via internet. The killer would host a poll via social media, asking his followers which hated public figure/person he should kill next. The followers would then vote to watch politicians, public figures and celebrities die as result of their bad internet choices. However, the twist of the episode is that whoever voted on killing these figures ended up being murdered by the bees too. The killer ended up mass murdering over 300,000 people (about half the population of Wyoming) as “punishment” since voting on people dying is inhumane. The whole hour-thirty episode is an ethics mind-fuck, since really no one in the show is really “the good guy” besides one main character. The themes of ethics and modern-day technology are shown throughout each episode, and it is really terrifying since all these tragic plot lines could be possibilities in the near future. I mean we already see a micro-version of Hated In The Nation, we have so many idiotic politicians/internet influencers who spew hateful messages (or are just hateful in general) but receive death threats. Are the people who are wishing death on these hateful people just as bad as who they are attacking? I think everyone should have the chance to watch black mirror, let alone this episode. Digital footprints are overlooked, until you are the ones having your actions being criticized. This show also opens the conversation of having stricter monitoring of the internet, since people really have a lot of freedom.  

Do you think the internet should have more monitoring? Also, if you have seen Black Mirror, what is your favorite episode? 

Overall I would say this class has been one of my favorites! I am interested in the media in general, let alone more modern-day media. I think my favorite topic we touched on was music and how it was shared in the past. Especially Napster, it makes me so privileged to live in a world with fast music streaming services. But anyways, it is important to learn about modern-day media in general and I wish people take this class if they can! 

Ethics Within Journalism

I always knew that most modern-day journalism is unethical just by seeing the headlines of most news. Sometimes I play a game with myself where I go to a very well-known biased news article and try to guess what line the bias starts. Especially with most republican news sources (like Fox News), it’s really easy to call out the very obvious bias. However, news outlets already being biased is unethical, though it has gotten worse in recent years.  

Pelosi ignores Trump in leadership farewell speech, mentioning Bush, Obama, Biden

As I’m writing this, I decided to play my game and find the most ridiculous article title. And I will say, I succeeded in record time. It only took me 45 seconds to locate the article above, with it being titled Pelosi ignores Trump in leadership farewell speech, mentioning Bush, Obama, Biden. Do not worry, I will spare you the read, but basically Fox News was criticizing Nancy Pelosi for not mentioning former president Donald Trump in her congress farewell speech. This article is shorter than most text messages I send and says a whole lot of nothing. Like seriously, who cares that Nancy Pelosi did not mention Trumps name? Genuinely why is this considered news!? I am not too sure why I am so surprised right now since I already know that this is what modern day news sources report on. It is like a political chess game, where the media plays the role of the king while the government is the queen. The media is such an important piece within this game since it is used to protect and favor the politicians. Though, once the media (the king) falls it makes the politicians vulnerable. This analogy that I just made up really, I think, resonates with modern day journalism and politics. Not just because of the co-dependency between the two, but the overall feeling that both politics and journalism is just a silly, stupid game. However, the scary part about this is that a lot of Americans do not consider this a silly game. They blindly listen to journalists and seriously believe it. People will hear one thing in the news and run with it, without fact checking it.  


For the longest time, I always blamed the viewers for being (excuse my French) fucking stupid. Especially with the touching subject of politics, it always baffled me that people did not triple check their sources. Though, why do we have to go to the extent of fact checking our sources? Why must the media not give us the right answers without spinning the story into something completely wrong? HOW COME IT IS LEGAL FOR THE NEWS TO LIE TO US? Finding that out really struck a nerve, as I hope it did everyone else. I am extremely glad we watched The Newsroom in class, because it really opened my eyes more than they already were to how much modern-day news is just so unethical. Also the subject of pop-culture media being unethical made me snap my fingers! I always thought that the idea of glorifying celebrities in either a positive or negative way is extremely harmful. Celebrity news being unethical I feel is so overlooked since we use it for entertainment, rather than actual news. The hypocrisy is alarming when people criticize political journalism, but not the pop-culture side. And I am aware that these subject matters are at opposite ends of the spectrum, but journalism uses the same methods to slam and lie about politicians and celebrities. 

What are your thoughts?  

Music’s Mental Impact on the World

Lindsay Richardson 


Mass Media 



Like stated in my last blog about music, I could really write thousands of words on my love for it. Music as a whole concept has such a wide range. It is in every piece of modern-day media (except for physical media like books), and ranges from full-on soundtrack scores in movies, to 5 second ringtones on your phone. It is so versatile; it really makes me wonder how much of an impact it has on us within a day-to-day setting. Music is “increasingly acknowledged as a medium of therapy – of inspiration, relaxation, motivation and integration.” (Darnley-Smith, Rachel, and Helen M. Patey. Music Therapy). Most people (including myself) agree with this idea that music is utilized for relaxation. However, not all music genres are liked by everyone. Why does music preference vary from one person to another? Like, it is interesting how I could love a song, but my friend could not even stand to listen to it. This idea of song preferences even dates to when we were children. A baby could be crying, but the second someone puts on their favorite song/lullaby the baby would stop. “Scattered throughout every piece of music are rests, little breaks from the sound to make us appreciate the song all the more. In the midst of life’s harried pace, recognize the sheer beauty of silence, and enjoy its rests.” (Lewis, Alaric. Music Therapy). Though, some songs make the baby cry even more.  Also, it is interesting as to how music sticks with someone for a long time. Referring back to advertisements, the ads that I remember and stick out to me the most are the ones that have jingles. I do not remember what the company was selling or the words they used in the actual commercial, but only the jingle at the end. This idea of music preference and taste really has many theories, but the most prominent one reflects one’s age and personality. “Music is often intimately linked to identity, as evidenced by the high value many people place on musical activities and the way in which music can become seemingly effortlessly coupled to important memories from throughout one’s lifespan.” (A Cross-Sectional Study of Reminiscence). Music preference is also mostly formed between the ages of ten and thirty, which is called the reminiscence bump period of one’s life. 

The impact of music taste, as well as the idea of remembering music goes hand in hand with how the brain responds to trauma, and/or mental health issues. Music can be immensely helpful in the sense of using it for therapy. In some forms of therapy “use the physical properties of music in treatment and as healing. The role of the relationship between client and therapist is in most cases secondary to the importance of the application of music as treatment.” (Darnley-Smith, Rachel, and Helen M. Patey. Music Therapy). There are two main types of ways music is used within both a physical and/or mental therapy setting. Vibroacoustic therapy is when musical vibrations are used for both physical and mental healing. Though some are skeptical if this method works, though it seems to be effective for people with “cerebral palsy, asthma, abdominal pain, constipation, insomnia, menstrual pain and sports injuries” (Darnley-Smith, Rachel, and Helen M. Patey. Music Therapy.). The other prominent way of using music as therapy is The Use of Recorded Music as Therapy Supplementary to the Cure of Physical Illness. This method of using music mostly is for people who suffer from mental issues like anxiety, stress, and depression. It is also frequent in hospital settings with high stress situations like childbirth, pre-operations or during operations. Within the therapy setting music is also used as a method of self-expression, which is helpful for therapists with their patients.  

Despite the benefits of utilizing music within a therapy setting, it can also be physiologically harmful depending on one’s situation. Music corresponding with someone’s trauma can be triggering and cause a trauma response. More commonly seen with PTSD, hearing certain songs that were previously played during traumatic events could cause someone to have a flashback since the song is a reminder of said traumatic event. As someone with PTSD, I must be careful of what songs I listen to and where I listen to them due to the song possibly causing a flashback event. The fact that music has such a wide range between positive therapeutic matters or triggering negative connotations is very intriguing and shows how much of an impact music has on one’s brain. Music is not just for listening; it is also an experience that allows the listener to have physical or mental reactions.

Lewis, Alaric, and R. W. Alley. Music Therapy. St. Meinrad, Indiana: Abbey Press, 2001. Print. 

Darnley-Smith, Rachel, and Helen M. Patey. Music Therapy, SAGE Publications, Limited, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Tillmann, B., Perrin, F., & Heine, L. (2020). A Cross-Sectional Study of Reminiscence Bumps for Music-Related Memories in Adulthood. Music & Science, 3. 

Rating Movies

I would say Watching the movie “This Film Is Not Rated” was probably my favorite movie we have watched in this class. I always knew about the MPPA and how much power it really has on film makers. In this movie, Director Kirby Dick questioned the MPPA (Motion Picture Association of America) for their censorship practices. He takes an inside look at their rating system that deems suitability for audiences. He finds that the MPAA is not only corrupt but seems to have a love for overly judging sexual content. Kirby hires a private eye to follow them around. On top of their creepy love for judging any kind of “sexual content,” there were so many other red flags that this organization had. 

Kirby and his team discovered that the board seems to treat homosexual movies much harsher than heterosexual movies. This fact shocked me, but it makes sense. There is so much underlying homophobia in any industry in the Hollywood scene. There is a big problem with sheltering children in the LGBTIQQ community, a lot of movies have deemed it “sexual content.” It just shows how A) how much the times have changed and B) how little to no knowledge these board members have. Especially with casting actors, a lot of TVs/movies cast straight people for LGBTIQQ roles. I understand that does not sound important, but not giving the LGBTIQQ actors the same exposure as straight actors is unfair. Also, there is something unsetting about a straight person playing the role of a person from the LGBTIQQ community. Like, why can’t you just cast someone who is already a part of it? Why do you have to hire a straight actor who is playing a most of the time, stereotypical role of an LGBTIQQ person? Another shocking point in this movie was that the MPPA board members receive little to no training and are purposely selected due to their lack of expertise in the knowledge of media. Just because one person watches a couple of movies, does that make them an expert on who can or can’t watch them? If I cook dinner does that make me a chef? You would really think that the organization would hire individuals who are well knowledges in this subject because, well, they are literally deciding the fate of these movies. These people also have zero knowledge with child development, which once again, you would think they would have due to them deeming movies fit for children. It was funny to see this movie get rated with an NC-17 rating by the MPPA, which kind of confirms that they are guilty of all these idiotic things. Overall, I personally think that movie ratings are stupid in general. I understand its essential in some content, however if they are going to censor films the least, they could do is get qualified people to do so. Especially when you look at other forms of media, you kind of realize that movies are the most censored. And it sucks, since movies are what shaped my personality. It is also sad to see that film companies are holding back in a way, so they will not get censored by this unreliable organization.  

What are your favorite movies, and what rating do they have? Why do you think they have that rating? 

Load more 

The Once Exciting, Now Boring Era of Film

I know my title is super informal, but I think the word boing is appropriate to how I feel. I know it is completely irrational to call something from the 1900’s underwhelming, but it is hard not to see it that way. While watching some of the first short films in class, I understood why it was impressive at the time. Especially with the animation and how it was made. I loved to see the history behind how it started and the time it took to make, but it was just so hard for me to be presently listening while watching the documentary on it. As well as the Charlie Chaplin films. For the time, they were fantastic and revolutionary. But when I was watching them, I was bored. Sometimes I wish I were born in the new age of film (despite the 1900’s being the age for only straight white men), so I could experience the birth and growth of it. Then I would think I would be more invested in the idea of film in general. These feelings cross over in my art as well since I am a film artist. It is really hard to be happy with the photos/videos I produce since modern age film has made my standards quite high. It is generally really hard for me to get excited about cinematography whenever a new movie is announced. It is because I have already seen so many well-made films with the latest technology, it is hard to be impressed. Do not get me wrong though, I am not a Scrooge when it comes to movies. I love them a little too much, especially the ones with remarkable stories and visuals. 

Without being said, the birth of the production companies was really interesting to find out. I really had no prior knowledge on why Hollywood is the movie/tv staple of the United States. I also had no idea that they filmed movies in New York during the birth of filmmaking. I wonder how different New York City would be today if the production companies stuck around instead of moving across country. Though, it makes perfect sense as to why they moved towards the desert. However, I will always curse the mass number of western movies that came from it. Maybe the dry, desert air was the reason why there were so many smut movies being filmed at the time. There is also something about the production company monopoly that rubs me the wrong way. Fox, MGM, and Warner Bros are still to this day some of the biggest production companies. MGM has even made resorts/casinos, which are way outside of their realm. I had actually heard of MGM hotels before I knew it was a production company. Despite these three companies being the biggest, Disney began to rise as well. I am excited to have learned the history behind past films and excited to see more modern-day film next week. 

Do you have a favorite film made during the early 1900’s? I need Recommendations! 

Are Advertisements Ethical? Well No, but im Still Gonna Ask

What makes online media flourish without advertisements?! Well, nothing. Ads are the main source of income when it comes to most media. No really, advertising is everywhere. I did not realize how true that statement was until I reflected back onto my media journal. Every source of media I consumed had ads attached to it. Except for music, but of course I must pay 10 dollars (now 5 thanks to being a student) a month in order to listen to my music in peace. And trust me, it is considered more than peaceful for me. Maybe it is because I am apart of Generation Z, but I find modern day ads just terrible. It’s almost like I know all the advertising tactics, so I am sick of seeing them. My current marketing class probably doesn’t help my view on advertisements either. Knowing how advertisements are made, how they are shown to the target markets and how they rope consumers in makes me turn off from them. Also kind of ironic, since I am a marketing minor who hates ads. I do not think I am the only one who tries not to indulge in ads either. Cable TV ads are outdated since most people really do not indulge in them anymore. The streaming services that are indulged (especially that have ads attached to them) mostly have the option to pay extra to get them removed. I proudly pay that small fee, since I cannot stand ads. 

 After watching that short documentary in class on how sellers’ market to children, it also made me reflect as to how spoiled I was as a child. Actually, now typing that out, I’m not too sure if I was actually spoiled. Maybe a little bit, but I was entirely brainwashed. I was in constant advertising limbo from ages five to nine. I would casually be watching my favorite cartoon at the time, then when it was time for the ad slots, I would be initially annoyed. But as each ad played, I got more entwined with what toy was appearing on my screen. These ads had eye-piercing colors, loud screaming kids, aggravating music and gave you whiplash with the fast camera movement. It is the perfect ad for a child. At least, perfect for me as a kid. It made me want whatever product was shown so badly. I would beg and beg my parents and grandparents to get said item relentlessly. For Christmas, my birthday, if I got A’s in school, I begged until I lost my voice. Then, when I finally got said toy, I would play with it for at maximum a week. I never understood why the advertisements made the toy look so much better, until recently. Is this idea of brainwashing children into buying and begging for toys unethical?  

I think my favorite advertisements are the ones that used to make me laugh as a kid! I always looked forward to Superbowl ads, just because they were so entertaining. I also think it’s bizarre how much of a budget these ads got during big events, especially Superbowl. But anyways, the comedic ones always left a memorable impression on my brain. 

The Importance of Storytelling

I was confused as to why TV needed two weeks to discuss in class while looking at the syllabus. TV is so normalized that I managed to forget how monumental it was and significant it continues to be. Like I explained in last week’s blog, my TV consumption is fairly lower compared to my peers. I tend to indulge in other stimulating forms of technology, like video games or movies. This is due to my views on television. I think, like music, that tv is being aimlessly pumped out with no fucks given. It was a bold move to give modern day production companies this much money and budget for new tv shows. Most of the time, all the time and money spent on creating these shows just turn out to be a pile of crap. However, once in a blue moon, that time and money is well spent. The show Mythic Quest is a notable example from class. Their usage of storytelling, mixed with comedy, makes me want to add the show to my watch list. Especially how they show the idea of storytelling and consumerism in the modern world. The first episode of Mythic Quest really showed how the Modern-day consumer wants quick excitement, rather than the idea of having work for it. Poppy wanted her shovel in the game so players could build new terrain. However, Ian and most of the consumers thought the shovel was boring and wanted it as a weapon. If this game were real, I would have totally wanted the shovel! Yes, it would have taken time to use in game, but the outcome could have been so rewarding. That is why storytelling is so important, especially in tv.

The idea of building up a story sucks in the audience, as well as allowing them to feel accomplished when finished with the story. That is why cliffhangers are so frustrating, and frankly overused in television. A fitting example of this is the Netflix hit Stranger Things. Like most, I was a huge fan of this show. It holds a special place in my heart, as I watched the first season the day it came out, and before it got popular. Due to the fact this show got so popular, I feel as if Netflix and the producers of this show began to milk the content. Now, coming to season 5 (as season 4 just came out this summer) I really have no interest in watching the show. Yes, I am going to watch it anyways when it does come out, but the most recent season that came out was so underwhelming that I was honestly sad. I think that the show should have just ended with the second season.

Personally, I love shows that only have fewer seasons. Most of them seem to do more justice since the producers are not beating the show like a dead horse. I also think shows that utilize the use of multiple stories are more successful. Maybe it’s because I am sick of the drawn-out story but shows like Black Mirror and American Horror Story leave me wanting to watch more. Especially Black Mirror, where each episode tells a different, twisted story that always leaves me with my jaw dropped. Most of the stories also convey a deep message about the state of modern-day society. They always have some sort of futuristic twist to them that makes me so fearful for the state of society’s future but wanting to watch more. 

If you have seen Black Mirror, what is your favorite episode? 

I Miss Cable TV!

Ah yes, television. One of the most current universal pieces of media endured by everyone. I think the most interesting part of television in general is watching it evolve. From three prime channels to hundreds of channels, then to streaming services. My relationship with television is pretty nonexistent, I only put it on when I have friends over, although I really do not indulge in it. It is funny, I have every streaming service known to man as well as some cable, yet I am always struggling to find something to watch. I have also noticed I struggle to continue shows, especially when I start something new. Like it took me 2 years to finish Breaking Bad, despite it being pretty interesting. Maybe it is because my attention span is generically nonexistent or I am just bored, but tv just is not my thing. I think I have only really finished a handful of series. Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia is the one show I can confidently say that I have finished multiple of times because I enjoyed it so much.  

I will admit however, I was a big TV fan as a kid. Disney channel, cartoon network and just any kids tv show channel was my favorite. I loved cartoons more than actual live tv. It obviously has to do with my love for art, but the different stylistic choices within each cartoon was kind of amazing to me. It really inspired me to be interested in animation and drawing in general. Cartoons dating all the way back to the 60s and 70s are just so unique. The Flintstones and The Jetsons have really shaped modern day cartoons. I also love the idea of adult cartoons tv shows, and even now playing with movies. For some reason, the media has labeled cartoons to be too childish. But there are great adult shows (that are not mindless comedies) that utilize animation. A notable example of this is a show called BoJack Horseman. At first, you watch the show and that the show is a comedy. Then it shocks the viewer with its commentary on mental health, self-awareness, drug abuse, and the modern-day world. This show is really moving and honestly depressing. Despite its depressing nature though, it really makes you ask the question of ethics. 

I also think a reasons why Tv was so much more appealing to me 15 years ago rather than now is due to just the nature and experience of cable tv. My daily routine when I was a kid was to wake up, go to school, then race home to watch the new episode of my show that I prerecorded the night before. The idea of something coming out weekly and having to sit through advertising just adds a level of suspense that I will admit, was extremely annoying, however sucked me in every single time. I know streaming services are starting to release shows weekly now, but before they would releace shows by season. It sounded great in theory, but it just made me bored. Long story short, I just miss the thrill and excitement I got from watching tv. 

What is your favorite TV show? 


Music! I love music.

Music has truly been one of the true factors that makes me who I am. Between listening to it or singing it, it has impacted my life as I am sure it has everyone else’s. When people ask my favorite genre, I simply just say all. And it is absolutely true, I love and respect really any music genre. I will go from listening to 70s Funkadelic, then to 90s rapper MF Doom, then to Bjork. This infrequent pattern seems to happen a lot whenever I listen to music, especially when sharing music with friends. I have noticed that during my time here at Alfred and meeting new people, my music taste and range has extremely increased. Now learning about Napster (which is very interesting that I have never heard of Napster prior to this class), I feel very privileged to live in the era of music streaming services. My thoughts on Napster as a whole are pretty split. On one hand, I think its approach of piracy it is kinda unethical towards the music artists. I am not going to lie, I defiantly have pirated things before. Like whom wants to pay 40 dollars for a video game when you can just find it illegally? I say that half kidding, of course. My thoughts on selling music in general are pretty harsh as well. I think it is just my bias of loving music so much, but I think artists and record labels are charging way too much for music. It is definitely easier listening to music now since streaming services are just a monthly fee, but I distinctly remember having to pay around two dollars per song and twelve dollars an album on ITunes. Two dollars does not sound like a lot, but it sure does add up when you have a thousand songs in your library. It was bizarre, I would spend all of my Christmas and birthday money on music when I was a kid. Despite my opinions on putting a price tag on music, I understand why it has to happen. One of my close friends brought up a great point when I was debating the idea of paying for music or not. If you consider music art, then there should be no reason to complain. Especially as an artist myself, that resinated with me. Of course I would charge people for my artwork since I spent the time and effort to make it. Maybe it is because I am not a musician, but the idea of musicians also being considered artists did not click in my brain up until recently (which is funny because musicians are also referred to as artists). Now having this mindset about musicians and just music in general, it has defiantly changed my mindset and thoughts on purchasing music.


My thoughts on modern pop/rap music are very closed minded. I hate it. And its not because I hate how the music sounds. I just hate the idea of modern day musicians pumping out bullshit boring songs just to make a quick buck and their record labels happy. Modern day record labels also are not helping this sad, sad music era. They one hundred percent are the masterminds behind the absent-minded music. It especially sad to see this happen in the social media world, like Tiktok. Ive had to delete Tiktok multiple times just because I am sick and tired of how that app chews and spits out music. I am definitely not one to gatekeep music, (which that could be a whole other thousand word rant) but there seems to be a step by step trend as to music getting really popular on social media, then people get bored of that song, then it is hated forever. It also kinda sucks how much judging people do if you like a song that is popular on social media. A classic example of this that happened over the summer was Running up that Hill by Kate Bush. It obviously did not help that the song was also featured on one of the biggest tv shows ever, but the amount of hate and annoyance that the song got after it ran its course through tiktok was upsetting. I have always been a huge Kate Bush fan, before and after the show, but people were also judging me on my love for her. It was only because that one song had gotten so popular.

Anyways, I would love to share some of my music. I hope whoever is reading this takes a listen! Let me know your favorites!

Question: What are your thoughts on modern day music?

Views on Video Games and Comics

I really hope no one over the age of 50 is reading this because I do have to admit; I play a lot of video games. Frankly, I must disclose this information and ensure that my brain is not corrupted by most of my elderly family. For some reason, the notion of children playing video games is shunned by the baby boomer generation. Honestly, it is quite humorous that most of this generation blames video games for any problem gen z or gen alpha has. I distinctly remember blaming any headache-based illness I had on my love for video games. My theory is that the older generation is jealous that they did not have the opportunity to comprehend technology at an early age. Video games allow users to have creative, social, and logical thinking. I passionately believe that action base video games have helped my coordination and reflexes over the years as well as allowed me to think creatively due to the beautiful graphics, and stories these games tell. I think that the only illogical part about video games is the creators charging so much money. A quarter does not seem like a lot of money, but it adds up when you must spend a quarter every time you lose. That method of spending was transferred over to modern games, where you must buy expansions, DLC, etc. to make your gameplay better. Even before video games or the internet existed, people spent this type of money on comic books. I strongly believe that comics helped inspire modern-day video games. 

Personally, I have really never read a comic book; I only look at the drawings inside. It may spark from my uninterest in reading or just my short attention span. However, I have always been attracted to the comic style and just comic artists in general. The style of the majority of American comics is very pop art which is shown in Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein’s work. Comics are quite similar to video games in the sense that older generations criticize them. My dad for example was a comic book collector all throughout his teen years. His grandfather (my great grandfather) ridiculed him and claimed that comics were just glorified children’s picture books. A lot of my dad’s friends at the time got criticized by their parents about comics as well.

Is there a reason why older generations tend to criticize media that caters to children?