Man I hate Ads

The world of advertising is A monstrous place. filled with greedy companies and even more scams advertising has really gotten out of control in recent years. what you don’t notice it’s just how much advertising you take in every day. whether you’re walking down the street driving to work working out at the gym and especially whenever you touch your phone you’re being advertised too. marketing has always been an interesting business science. advertisers know no bounds, since the beginning of capitalism companies have tried to use things that would draw customers in. Stupid things, like colors that attract the eye, or buildings that look a certain way, or special slogans or jingles. All aimed at doing the same thing. Making you take that wallet out. Though as time has gone on the different methods have only been expanded on further. Advertisements in person now consist of things like stunts or large-scale attractions, or multimillion dollar set ups. Some of the more recent ones being the giant ball of money they placed in Korea to advertise for squid games, or the giant Wendy’s drive-through promotion with Rick and Morty. Firms that rely on more in person business have to find ways to make “viral” content. And that’s where the nightmares start.

Online advertisements are where the world of advertising has recently taken some very dark turns. in the beginning stages of the Internet advertisements would be blocky tacky looking images spread throughout the very edges and sometimes the top and bottom of web pages. primarily free ones. though now online advertisements are everywhere, whenever you’re trying to do anything online, you’ll find an advertisement. Even educational websites or news outlets make you watch an ad before you could view an article or watch a video or newscast. streaming services are coming up with new ways to make money using advertisements. coming up with plans that cost more money to not have advertisements, or by forcing advertisements in the beginning of the show or when opening the app. Everywhere in streaming advertisements are making their way into view.

And it’s easy to see why. these large media firms who own all the apps end websites being used are making billions of dollars from these advertisements.  why should Hulu only make money from their monthly subscriptions for their streaming services when they could also make money from companies wanting to advertise on their service. on top of that they also offered an increased price plan for those who just couldn’t bear to watch advertisements. or take YouTube for example, one of the most famous public streaming platforms. has begun talks of increasing their ever famous one to two ads that are usually skippable in the beginning of videos. and increasing it to 5 to 11 shorter advertisements before the video begins that would be un-skippable. The firms making so much money by allowing companies to advertise to their viewers. That’s where the biggest idea in modern marketing comes in. Buying your eyes.

Though these streaming services are making a lot of money this business is not their main model. Though companies like Facebook cannot say the same. A saying goes something along the lines of “if the service is free, you are the product.” Meaning that what you’re browsing on Facebook and Instagram, those ads that pop up every 3 videos or pictures, is exactly how Instagram is making money. Facebook generates billions of dollars in ad revenue each year, putting an emphasis as to why they were so greatly affected by apples decision to allow users to hide data.

While I do have a resentment to ads, I do have some commercials that I do like or find amusing. The Progressive insurance commercials, The manscaped, or some of the Taco Bell commercials. Though my absolute favorite commercials are Panda Cheese.

2 thoughts on “Man I hate Ads

  1. I agree, I do find these rather amusing. The off handed denial of having any cheese followed by the tender music with the panda. It leads to this almost revelatory moment where the person and panda get along but instead the panda trashes the place. The last two certainly bring this story arc to a wonderful conclusion.


  2. I completely agree with how crazy modern day ads are. They definitely have expanded into new terrain that I didn’t expect. The Wendys Rick and Morty collaboration is a great example. I cant believe they created a whole experience! Especially tv/movie production companies are doing this more and more. Stranger Things did one a couple years ago for the pandemic, where you drove through a ‘haunted house’ of the current season they were advertising.


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